This MP3 recording is 13.5 hours long, and contains the entire text of the The World Peace Diet, read by the author, with short piano interludes composed and performed by the author.
This unabridged audio recording of The World Peace Diet provides an excellent way to "read" the book while driving, exercising, or sitting quietly, and we've heard from many people that it's an excellent way to understand the World Peace Diet message more deeply. People have also found this audio book to be a helpful way to share the message of The World Peace Diet with others.
You can transfer to iPod, iPhone, etc.
To download a 13.5-hour MP3 audio file of the unabridged World Peace Diet Audio Book by Dr. Tuttle, please enter your email address here. You will automatically be taken to a page with the download links. Just click the link and then click on any of the 31 mp3 files you would like to download.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Donations accepted. Thanks for contributing to this work!
Dr. Will Tuttle
1083 Vine Street
Healdsburg, CA 95448
800-697-6614/707-207-5020 (message)
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