~ Reviews, Articles, & Interviews ~
The World Peace Diet by Dr. Will Tuttle
Interview with Eugene Veg Education Network
Speaking on "The Great Health Debate"
Lecture Presentations
Published Articles
World Peace Diet MySpace Site
Shining World Hero Award from the SM Ching Hai Association
Hear Dr. Tuttle's lecture in Portland, OR, for the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
See videos of and by Dr. Tuttle

Print Media Archives (click on the banners below for the interviews, articles, and reviews)

Review of The World Peace Diet in the Society of Peace newsletter (by Shirley Wilkes-Johnson)
Review of The World Peace Diet in All-Creatures Book & Video Guide (by Mary Hoffman)
Review of The World Peace Diet in Mindful Metropolis Magazine (Chicago)
Article about The World Peace Diet in On Purpose Woman Magazine (by Don Robertson)
Review of The World Peace Diet in Vegan Voice (by Eve Spencer)
Radio Archives
The Dr. Don Show with Dr. Don Wagner - Interviews Dr. Tuttle on "The Intelligence of Human Physiology," "Domination of the Sacred Feminine," and other topics- Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on these important ideas in The World Peace Diet. There are several dates for Dr. Tuttle's interiews - January 24, 2013 and October 23, 2012, and May 24, 2012 in the archives.
Here's To Your Health with Dr. Doris Moton-Spruill - Interview with Dr. Moton-Spruill (about 50 minutes). Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on The World Peace Diet, spirituality, wellness, and social transformation.
Sex and Happiness with Laurie Handlers - Interview with Laurie Handlers (about 50 minutes). Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on The World Peace Diet, spirituality, wellness, and social transformation.
VeganPalooza interview with Steve Prussack (about 50 minutes). Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on the multiple benefits of vegan living and understanding, The World Peace Diet, spirituality, wellness, and social transformation.
RawPalooza interview with Steve Prussack (about 50 minutes). Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on The World Peace Diet, spirituality, wellness, and social transformation.
Wild Time - Dublin South Radio with Thomas Janek -- "WILD TIME interviews Dr. Will Tuttle about his book, 'The World Peace Diet, and more. The conversation also revolves heavily around the benefits of a plant based diet based on scientifically proven facts. Also topics like meditation will be discussed - do not miss it."
Unity FM - A World That Works, with Rev. Deborah Olive -- "Spirituality, Ecology, Food, and You," -- 'Will Tuttle, author of the best-selling book The World Peace Diet, is the Zen master of connecting the dots of spirituality, ecology and food choices. He offers a holistic approach to world peace and the opportunity to be happy, healthy, evolved stewards of the planet.'
The Healthy Voyager with Carolyn Scott-Hamilton -- "Compassionate Authors and Cooks" - Special interview with Carolyn - 2-part interview, with the 2nd part featuring Colleen Patrick-Gourdreau.
Spiritual Awakening Radio with James Bean - - Interview with Dr. Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet, discussing the spiritual, psychological, and cultural dimensions of health, food, and conscious eating.
Radio Active Lunch with Adam Roufberg (WVKR - NY) -- - "We spoke with Dr. Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet - the quintessential book on veganism which explores all aspects of veganism including: the nature of our indoctrination into a culture of denial and disconnect relative to the massive brutality perpetrated against animals, the health aspects of a vegan diet, the effects of factory farms on the environment, the sentience of non-human animals, etc."
Raw Vegan Radio with Steve Prussack
EarthSave Radio : Attaining World Peace Through Diet with special guest, Will Tuttle
LISTEN. Dr. Will Tuttle is an award-winning speaker, educator, author, and musician, speaking with Caryn Hartglass, Executive Director of EarthSave International.
Dynamic Family with Aricia LaFrance
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview on The World Peace Diet
Vegan World Radio -- KPFT Radio, Houston, TX: Dr. Will Tuttle and Visions for a Compassionate Planet (60 min.)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview,
VSSE (Vegan Solutions for a Sustainable Environment) - The World Peace Diet, Parts 1 & 2
Radio For Your Health Interview with host Dr. Christine Horner, a surgeon, author, and radio host.
Vegan World Radio - KPFT-FM Houston - Pacifica (35 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview - June 2, 2008
"Please join us today as we welcome back with us Dr. Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet, at this pivotal time when national attention is focused on veganism."
Virato Live - 880 AM, Asheville, NC - (60 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview - April 12, 2008
"Virato chats with Will Tuttle, troubador and author of The World Peace Diet.
Madeleine is in this rollicking, not-to-miss interview as well!"
Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden (10 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview (10 minutes)
March 8, 2008 - "As the anniversary of the start of the war approaches - we talk to WILL TUTTLE, author of the World Peace Diet."
Triangle Vegetarian Society - Lecture in Durham, NC
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this lecture.
New Dimensions Radio with Michael Toms (60 minutes)
Program Description from New Dimensions:
“As Gandhi observed, our fork can be a weapon of violence. Will Tuttle, pianist, composer and teacher, embraces this simple truth by keeping violence off his plate and adopting a vegan way of being in the world. He expresses the heart and soul of the animal liberation and compassionate living movement with insights that prove how inextricably linked is the suffering of animals with the war, violence and terrorism we currently face on earth when he says,"If we cause war against animals we will cause war against ourselves." From mythology, religion, and human systems, Tuttle offers a set of universal principles for all people of conscience to show how we as a species can move our consciousness forward - allowing us to become more free, more intelligent, more loving, and happier in the choices we make.
Topics explored in this dialogue: How are you connected to the power of the food you eat?
Where did the word Vegan originate from?
When veganism becomes a benevolent revolution.
What the early Sanskrit word for war really is
How the cultures from the Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Old Testament are similar to today's culture.
When and why the Unity Movement used to be strictly vegetarian.”
Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden (28 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview (28 minutes)
Truly Sustainable Sarasota - WSLR, Sarasota, FL (24 minutes)
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview
Windows To Wellness - Alternative Talk Radio with Linda Woods, Radio Free Nashville, TN
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview
Free-Range Thought - (60 minutes)
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview
Waking Up With Carolyn Craft - Lime Internet Radio (60 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview with Carolyn Craft
The Alan Eisenberg Show - WRJN Radio, Kenosha, WI (60 minutes)
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview with Alan Eisenberg, noted attorney and radio host
RadioActive Lunch with Adam Roufberg
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview (15 minutes)
Redwood Community Radio - "Edge of the Herd" with Bud Rogers and Lily Macy
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview (35 minutes)
KPFT Houston - Pacifica Radio with Janice Blue - (60 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview.
Dynamic Health on Animal Voices, Vancouver Cooperative Radio
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview (45 minutes)
Wake Up America with Tina Volpe (60 minutes)
Click here to download or play an MP3 file of this interview.
Animal Voices - Toronto, Canada, CIUT-FM with Lauren Corman - 8 May, 2007 (60 minutes)
Physician of the Soul with Gabriel Cousens, M.D. - 2 February 2007
KPFT Houston - Go Vegan Texas! with Shirley Wilkes-Johnson - 20 November 2006
Wake Up America with Tina Volpe - 17 July 2006 (60 minutes)
VegCast with Vance Lehmkuhl - 31 May 2006
Compassionate Cooks Podcast with Colleen Patrick Goudreau (33 minutes)
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this podcast
“Program Description by Colleen Patrick Goudreau:
In today's episode, I read an excerpt from a very special book called The World Peace Diet, written by Will Tuttle. Will is one of these amazing people who uses his compassion and wisdom in order to create the world we all envision - a world of peace and kindness and nonviolence and high consciousness. The excerpt I read provides an appropriate segue to talk briefly about the USDA's "Animal Damage Control" program (now euphemistically called "Wildlife Services," which kills millions of wild animals every year on behalf of cattle, sheep, and other "livestock" ranchers. Just one more reason that animal consumption and "environmentalism" cannot co-exist.”
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
8/5/09 Today is the final episode of Food For Thought with Meria & Will Tuttle. Big thank you to Will for co-hosting the monthly show over a year and a half! Meria strongly recommends you get Will’s book: The World Peace Diet, Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony. the L.A. Animal Rights Conference; violence to animals, violence in the world; cruelty to animals dates back to ancient times; got veal? Loving Mother Earth; The Sea Shepherd Society “Whale Wars” series; fish-pollution; killing the oceans; blue fin tuna on the edge of extinction; Heather Mills and Kraft foods; vegan choices in restaurants and stores; obese and overweight in America; what is a healthy vegetarian diet? colo-rectal doctor recommends high fiber vegan eating; How to have a healthy colon; good skin; voting with our dollars; Stuart Wilde on obesity; minimize your consumption and be happy.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
6/23/09 Latest episode of “Food For Thought” with co-host Will Tuttle. Food inspections; exposing kids to dangerous foods; drought and beef production; water and beef; feed the world - go vegan; China’s meat consumption; cutting down Brazil’s rainforests; toxic waste? human and animal waste for bio fuel; gardening with manure or plants? feeding Russia’s population; devastation of top soil; 5 types of health; fluoride, vaccines, pharmaceuticals; mercury in food and teeth; chemtrails - how to bring it to people’s attention; “no meat, no heat” pledge; Stuart Wilde on eating animals; the intelligence of animals; stealing from the animal kingdom and more.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
5/22/09 Latest “Food For Thought” with Meria & Will. 50-100 million animals a yr. for cosmetic and “scientific” research; Runaway cow in New York; The Horse Whisperer; Will elephants go extinct? the One World Order and our food supply; vaccinating death; microchips; meals as rituals; chicken and the flu; pig farms-swine flu; Belgium’s “meat free day”; Will’s trip to England; plague and animals; songs; a quick answer to “why are you vegetarian”; the water crisis; taxing sugary drinks - why not meat and dairy; animal sewage vs. human; health insurance and animal caused diseases; health care crisis is a food crisis; subsidies and the meat industry; the power of the food and chemical industries; Is organic meat and dairy safe?
Note - this entire year of monthly one-hour shows (from May 2008 to May 2009) is in the Meria Show archives at http://meria.net.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
5/24/08 New segment of “Food For Thought” with Will Tuttle and Meria. Eating fish vs. meat; do fish feel pain? fish oil vs. flaxseed oil; diabetics and fish oil; liver - chemical detoxifier for the body; mercury poisons the brain, so is it brain “food”? constipated? biology of disgust, what we all share; is there any government inspection of seafood? are you buying the fish you think you are? Tilapia; shrimp - the toilet of the ocean; fishing “catch and release”; vegan movement needed - radical inclusion; World Vegan Week; devastating the oceans and forests and the results to humans; the movie: Shark Water; sea lice and salmon; pollution from factory fish; the boomerang effect and lots more.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
4/11/08 - "Food for Thought," hosted by Meria & Will, Check out Will’s work at www.willtuttle.com; This Earth Day - go Meatless!; people rioting for food; was meat eating a choice for you? Triple D’s - women & cows; hormones in dairy & cheese; Children won’t outlive their parents; google: factory farms & vegan; child abuse - forcing them to eat brutalized animal flesh; child suicide up 400% the last 30 years; uric acid (urine) gives meat it’s flavor; lonely? disconnected from animals and each other; Dr.Barnard's (see archives) “Breaking the Food Seduction”; the myths of vegetarianism; how do we help our children? Why do people eat animal foods? indoctrination; social pressure; the higher IQ’s of vegan children; Meet Will in July 18-20--retreat in Michigan: check out his site for more info.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
3/20/08 - “Food For Thought” with Will Tuttle, author of The World Peace Diet; Seafood; food & spirituality; how food affects as spiritual beings; intellectual, spiritual freedom; are we agents of enslavement for others; the military,meat, medical industrial complex; eating and causing slavery; wealthy elites diet; drugs as fertilizers, pesticides, etc; animals as wealth, the Great American MeatOut; god is love; Adam and the animals; (Charles Patterson, Keith Akers and Richard Schwartz in the archives); your whole body holds memory; India poisoning dogs, we kill millions a year; compartmentalizing our emotions; the mentality of exclusion; environmental impact of eating meat & seafood; Paul Watson shot by whalers; feeding fish to livestock, roadkill & worse; club soda not seals; necrovores; “Point of View” -Poem.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Food For Thought"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
2/19/08 The first segment of “Food For Thought” airs today with Meria & co-host Will Tuttle. Will is the author of The World Peace Diet which I highly recommend. Largest beef recall ever; cruelty to downer cows; transport is the worse of their torture; What we do to animals we eventually do to humans; the imagined health benefits of eating animals; the human brain runs of carbohydrates; is fish brain food? how does it all affect your spirit and soul? the curtain of violence goes beyond the food; materialism; running on the wrong fuel; diseases; cassein - glue; dying for a burger; LD50 test; steroids and Olympics, nightmares for kids; war in Iraq; JR Hyland & Richard Schwartz work; new veggie foods, say yes to life.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) -- "Religious Reductionism"
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
12/23/07 - Meria talks with Will Tuttle about religious reductionism ; Will is the author of “The World Peace Diet, Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony” (book of the year as far as Meria is concerned); Are we evil? born in sin?why is “god” a man? Constantine the inventor of Christianity and meat eating; Joseph Campbell on the Masks of God; hell - animal sacrifice; meat and DNA mutations, and multiple cancers; the “planet is made for humans only” mentality; do animals have souls; the Old Testament’s animal sacrifices; did man create god in his own image? Women classified animals in western religions; Satan’s “hooves and horns”; Keith Akers - the Lost Religion of Jesus (see archives); living the revolution; changing our behavior.
The Meria Show with Meria Heller (60 minutes) --
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this interview (60 minutes)
Program description from Meria Heller:
11/23/07 - Meria happily interviews Will Tuttle, Ph.D, musician, pianist and author of The World Peace Diet - Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony. A book Meria now will recommend to everyone on a spiritual journey. The spiritual ramifications of our food choices (why few leaders ever discuss it); Compassion; the fruits of plants; food is eaten, and then BECOMES us; disconnecting at every meal; herding culture; dominate animals - dominate humans; revolution of one; terrorizing animals - human terrorists (making the connections); no one eats flesh in it’s natural state; urine in flesh - tasty; children and flesh eating; our bodies reflect our consciousness; IQ of vegan kids; seafood - brain food? ; eating vibrations; metaphysics of food; Buddha-meat-compassion; spiritual death; Dennis Kucinich; why get upset over a vegan? the depression of animals, depression of humans; complicity of meat eating; being an authentic human being.
**This is not a vegan show, but a spiritual one. This is the BEST book I’ve ever read on the subject and Will bravely covers the spiritual aspects of our eating (the reason I’m vegan) where no one else I know of has.”
Lecture Archives - Audio
Sermon at the Unitarian Church in Rochester, NY, sponsored by the Lecture in Sarasota, FL, sponsored by UUnAMOR - UU Animal Ministries of Rochester - Sunday, August 12, 2012.
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this lecture (20 minutes)
The Sarasota Peace Education and Action Center and Veg Sarasota. Recorded by WSLR. “Dr. Will Tuttle spoke in Sarasota on Dec., 20, 2007 at the Quaker Meeting House. Tuttle delivered an upbeat message about the positive aspects of going vegan.”
Click here to download or listen to an MP3 file of this lecture (48 minutes)

Published Articles By Dr. Will Tuttle
The Five Universal Taboos and Animal Abuse |
November 2011, One Green Planet |
A Poignant Riddle: Are Cows Herbivores or Omnivores? |
October 2011, One Green Planet |
Time to Wake Up |
August 2011, VegSource |
The Australian Scape-Camels |
June 2011, VegSource |
Upgrading Our Motivation |
June 2011, VegSource |
Spiritual People Moving Toward Veganism? |
April 2011, VegSource |
Loving Hut - Part of Something Bigger |
January 2011, VegSource |
The Greatest Gift |
January 2011, VegSource |
Of Meat And Porno-Scans |
November 2010, VegSource |
Switzerland - The Dark Side of Small Farms |
July 2010, VegSource |
Stopping Our War on Animals |
June 2010, VegSource |
A Convenient Truth |
May 2010, VegSource |
Memorial Day for Animals |
May 2010, VegSource |
The War on Terra |
April 2010, VegSource |
Unexpected success! Toward critical mass... |
March 2010, VegSource |
Compassion and Health Campaign |
March 2010, VegSource |
Handling Holiday Queries |
December 2009, This Crazy Sexy Life E-Letter |
A Convenient Truth |
October 2009, Good Karma Magazine, Chicago |
History and Future of the Animal Rights Movement |
July 2009, Animal Rights 2009 Conference, Los Angeles |
Our Future is Vegan |
June 2009, This Crazy Sexy Life E-Letter |
Love That Word! |
May 2009, VegNews Magazine |
The Food in Heaven |
February 2009, Essay in How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth |
One Grain, Ten Thousand |
January 2009, Macrobiotic Guide |
What Then Should We Eat? |
November 2008, Resurgence Magazine |
At Our Core |
September 2008, VegNews Magazine |
Creating a Peaceful World |
June 2008, Vegetarian Voice Magazine |
It's No Secret |
April 2008, VegNews Magazine |
BuddhaDharma 101 |
November 2007, VegNews Magazine |
Slaughter of the Innocent |
April 2007, KPFT Pacifica Radio |
Shine On! |
April 2007, VegNews Magazine |
The Ten Paramis |
November 2006, Unity Newsletter |
Ancient Vegan Wisdom |
November 2006, VegNews Magazine |
Practicing The Four Viharas |
July - October 2006, Unity Newsletter |
You Are What You Practice |
June 2006, VegNews Magazine |
The Four Viharas |
June 2006, Unity Newsletter |
My Journey Of Transformation |
March 2006 , Peaceable Table |
A Balanced Diet |
December 2005, VegNews Magazine |
Does Rawfood Support Veganism? |
July 2005, VegNews Magazine |
What Goes Around Comes Around |
January 2005 VegNews Magazine |
Motivation Matters |
December 2004, Animals Agenda online |
Buddha and the Low-Carb Craze |
July 2004, VegNews Magazine |
Thinking of Drinking Cow’s Milk? |
April 2004, Earth Day Journal |
Marlboro Men in the White House |
February 2004, Veg News Magazine |
The Three Reasons People Eat Animals |
August 2003, VegNews Magazine |
Leaving Home |
July 2003, VegNews Magazine |
Do Animals Have Souls? |
February 2003, VegNews Magazine |
The Dominion of Love |
December 2002, Veg News Magazine |
Camp Challenge |
October 2002, Unity newsletter |
Shojin and Samadhi |
September 2002, VegNews Magazine |
Veg Community |
February 2002, VegNews Magazine |
Veganism is Not an Option |
November 2002, Unity Newsletter |
The Lost Religion of Jesus |
September 2001, VegNews Magazine |
The Call of Spirituality |
July 2001, The Quest magazine |
The Journey Toward Compassion |
July 2001, The Quest magazine |
The Most Pervasive Form of Child Abuse |
June 2001, VegNews Magazine |
Coming to Earth |
March 2001, VegNews Magazine |
Full-Time RVing As A Spiritual Path |
January 2001, New Thought Magazine |
VegNews "Supreme Mystery" article - discussion

Dr. Will Tuttle
1083 Vine Street
Healdsburg, CA 95448
800-697-6614/707-207-5020 (message)
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